Bank Owned House in Orangeburg, SC

Bank Owned House in Orangeburg, SC

Wednesday, May 28th @ 11:00AM-Onsite 1,100+/- Square Foot Brick House with 3 Bedrooms and 1.5 Baths on .38+/- Acre Corner Lot in Eastwood Acres. Contact Rickey Heaton at 864-350-0323 for details. Bank Ordered Sale!
  Auction Location
SOLD for $26,400!

SELLING ABSOLUTE-Regardless of Price!!

Wednesday, May 28th @ 11:00AM-Onsite

119 Eastwood Cir., Orangeburg (Orangeburg County) SC 29115

Property Description: 1,100+/- Square Foot Brick House with 3 Bedrooms and 1.5 Baths on .38+/- Acre Corner Lot in Eastwood Acres.

  • Tax Map# 0209-00-07-016.000
  • 2013 Taxes were $1,269.62 @ 6% (Seller will pay all back taxes, if any, and 2014 taxes will be prorated up until the date of closing)
  • Seller guarantees marketable title free of any liens to be conveyed through a Limited Warranty Deed.

Broker Participation Invited: A Two Percent (2%) Commission will be paid on the final contract price to any properly registered broker whose prospect purchases real estate at the auction and closes in full. Please see Auction Terms for full details.

Property Inspection: Call for an Appointment

Property Directions:  

Closing Attorney: Closing attorney fees paid by buyer.

Contact Rickey Heaton at 864-350-0323 with any questions regarding this property or the auction process.