1953 Cadillac Series 62 4 Door Sedan

1953 Cadillac Series 62 4 Door Sedan
Auction: Automobile Absolute Auction

1953 Cadillac Series 62 4 Door Sedan
Bidding Opens: Monday, April 2 at 2:00 PM CT
Bid Deadline: Wednesday, April 11 at 2:00 PM CT
Inspection: Monday, April 9 at 2:00 PM SHARP, or by appointment
Inspection Site: Cotton & Associates, 2106 W Lakeview Ave, Pensacola, FL 32505, 850-380-7413
Sale Manager: Chris Fisher, 386-690-1295, chris@AMCbid.com

VIN# 536272750
This auction features a grouped bid extension - please see details in terms below.
Terms:  Valid drivers license, valid credit card, and Bank Proof of Funds required to bid. Credit card is required as a qualification to bid only. 15% Buyer’s Premium added to winning bid to determine sale price, payment in full within 24 hours of completion of auction in cash or equivalent prior to removal. NO CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED. Vehicle can only be removed by appointment on Friday, April 13 or Monday, April 16.
Auctioneer is not responsible for bidding errors caused by internet outages, bid platform failures, or power failures.
All of the properties sell individually as "lots" however they are all tied together by the auction clock. We will set a bid deadline for all of the assets. Once we get within 5 minutes of that bid deadline, any bid placed on Any of the assets will extend All of the assets another 5 minutes. This extension will continue until no bids are placed on any of the assets in a five-minute window.
This feature is in place partially to prevent "sniping" which can occur on online auctions with a hard deadline. It recreates the action of a "Live Auction". If your opponent bids in the waning seconds of the auction, you still get another chance to bid.
With that in mind, don't wait out the bid until the last second, because the auction will remain open. Waiting it out can only put you at risk for not getting your bid in before the 5-minute clock runs out.
Fishers Auction, FL Lic # AB211AU826