3.8± Acre Site Adjoining 2150 Plantation Road

3.8± Acre Site Adjoining 2150 Plantation Road
Auction: Lawrenceville, GA: 2 Homes on 3 Tracts Totaling 7.6± Acres on Plantation Rd (Gwinnett County)

Lot 103: 3.8± Acre Site Adjoining 2150 Plantation Road

Bidding Starts to Close: Thursday, February 27, 2025, at Noon ET
Inspection (By Appointment Only): Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from Noon–3 PM ET
Property Address: 1925 and 2150 Plantation Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Sale Manager(s): Larry Goff, 678-296-3648 or Larry@AMCbid.com

Tax Parcel 5045 099 is a 3.8± acre site that adjoins 2150 Plantation Road. If combined with the tract at 2150 Plantation Road, this would be a 5± acre site. There is no known drive or trail into the tract. The tract has approximately 205± feet of street frontage and between 795± and 875± feet of depth. It is zoned R-75 (single-family residence). A sewer is available to the subdivision immediately adjacent to the tract. Call Gwinnett County Water Resources for information.
Gwinnett County Tax Parcel: R5045 099
Gwinnett County Tax Value: 2025 Tax Value $205,200; 2024 Property Tax $2,901.53 due 10/15/2024 plus penalties.
Please note that Purchaser shall be responsible for paying past due 2024 property taxes in the amount of $2.901.53 and penalties at closing, and any past due utilities fees and assessments which constitute, or may ripen into, a lien against Property.
All three tracts will be sold in an online-only auction. Bidders can bid on any or all of the tracts. Any bids placed on any tract at the bidding deadline will automatically extend the bidding on all of the tracts for five minutes so that bidders wishing to buy more than one tract can bid on other tracts. The auction will not end until 5 minutes have passed with no new bids on any tracts.

Terms: Proof of Funds Required to Bid, 10% Buyer’s Premium added to winning bid to determine sale price, Earnest Money Deposit 10% of Purchase Price, 2% Broker Co-op, close in 30 days.

Auction Management Corporation GA #2503