Expert Auction Services for Real Estate and Real Property of All Types

Who We Serve

AMCbid specializes in the rapid disposition of assets at true market price for sellers who understand the time value of money. The auction process can be a beneficial tool for accomplishing your goals quickly and we often find ourselves working with people in roles such as:

  • Disposition Managers
  • Lenders with non-performing loans
  • Borrowers with lender pressure to dispose of asset
  • Court appointed receivers
  • Real Estate Investors
  • Bankruptcy Trustees or Attorneys
  • Business Owners
  • Estate Executors and Attorneys
  • Dissolving Partnerships
  • Individual Sellers


Why Should I Auction?

Every circumstance in the auction world is unique and therefore the first step in our process involves a thorough understanding of what you would like to sell and why. Our primary goal is to implement an effective marketing strategy that stimulates bid competition amongst educated buyers within a suitable turn-around time. Our approach is best for those who need to:

  1. Quickly sell an asset
  2. Free up capital
  3. Reduce operating costs or liabilities
  4. Set the sale date and closing date
  5. Control the terms and conditions of the sale
  6. Assure the maximum level of bidding with potential buyers
  7. Use marketing professionals to promote your asset to a wide array of individuals


How Can AMCbid Help Me?

At AMCbid, the client’s needs come first. Our knowledge of the auction process, valuation, marketing, and networking in the industry makes us experts in our field and we will guide you every step of the way. Understanding the importance of teamwork, we have developed strong relationships with esteemed auction affiliates, savvy real estate brokers, and equipment specialists around the country who help us ensure that we are maximizing the bidding potential for your asset.


We Specialize In:

Commercial and Residential Real Estate

Personal Property


Whether we are selling former bank branches, manufacturing equipment, or a fleet of trucks, we know that the auction method works best when we work with the best.